365体育APP下载都希望能够在家里获得干净清新的饮用水. 然而,水的质量在很大程度上取决于你使用的过滤类型.

A fridge with a filtered water dispenser seems convenient, faucet mounts could be a quick fix, and water filtration pitchers are fairly inexpensive. 但, 你知道你能从中得到什么吗?与反渗透等水处理选择相比,它们的质量如何.O.)?

许多人认为在线过滤是解决家庭用水问题的答案. Unfortunately, that is not always true. 如果你每天都给你的滤水罐加满水,或者每隔几个月就换一次冰箱和滤水罐, you should understand the return on your efforts – and, if it’s really giving you the best and safest water.

说到水的处理,没有放之四海而皆准的解决方案. Your geographic location, 水源, 你家水管的状况对水龙头流出的水都有影响.

365体育APP下载采访了阿普尔顿净水中心的运营经理内特·弗里茨, 威斯康辛州, 了解更多关于水过滤的选择和房主需要知道的事情.

水 Filtration Options and Their Differences
在线滤筒过滤选项和反渗透系统之间的区别归结为口感良好的水或味道良好的水,具有更少的潜在有害污染物, many of which you cannot taste.

在线过滤选项通常使用碳来改善水的味道. 问题是碳不能像R那样过滤掉同样的污染物.O. 系统. 例如, with a standard carbon filtration pitcher, water flows through a mesh screen; then, activated carbon granules act to reduce 氯 taste and odor.

Nate Fritz explains that many other things, including hard minerals as well as pharmaceuticals, 引领, 砷, and other concerning contaminants are not filtered out with carbon alone.

弗里茨说:“含有大量矿物质的水可能会有苦味,味道不好。. “减少水中的矿物质含量往往会使水更可口, 而在线过滤或滤筒过滤的设计并不是为了减少这些问题. 过滤器可能会从城市水中提取出一点氯,或者从井水中提取出一点硫, but inline filtration 系统 are primarily used to address taste and odor. They don’t remove the other contaminants that are sometimes found.”

Fritz adds that inline filtration basically polishes the water, which is actually the last step of an R.O. 系统.

备用渗透系统为家庭提供更好的检测,更清洁,更安全的水. 要做到这一点,R.O.s combine a unique a semi-permeable membrane with multiple carbon filters, providing a more sophisticated level of water treatment.

首先,水流经沉淀物过滤器以降低氯并去除较大的沉淀物. Next, water is pushed through the semi-permeable membrane under pressure. This is the major difference from standard carbon filters. The membrane allows water molecules to pass through and stops sodium, 氯, 钙, and larger molecules such as glucose, 尿素, 细菌, 和病毒.

最后, 水流经两个碳过滤器,去除任何残留的味道和气味,然后送到一个两加仑的储罐,在那里可以饮用和烹饪. 这最后一步基本上是当今标准过滤投手使用的唯一过滤, 冰箱系统, and faucet mounts.


In-Line Filtration Cartridge*

  • Reduce 氯 taste and odor

反渗透 System**

  • Cyst (cryptosporidium)
  • 氟化
  • 引领
  • Nitrates and nitrites
  • Total dissolved solids (TDS)

*来源: 碧然德
**来源: Ultro水 Performance Data Sheet, tested and certified by NSF International against NSF/ANSI Standard 58

4 Considerations for Homeowners

在选择过滤系统之前,做你的研究和了解你的家庭需求是很重要的. Fritz shares additional factors to consider.

1.  水 quality and filters

你的地理位置在决定你需要什么类型的水处理方面起着很大的作用. 弗里茨建议让水处理专家测试你的水,以充分了解当前的质量和需要去除的污染物.

“很多人去五金店拿起一个过滤器,希望它能解决他们所有的问题,弗里茨说。. “但 the problem is, it’s not a standard industry.”

“If you have a small trace odor from well water, a cartridge filter from the store might handle it,他说. “但, if you have 2-3 parts per million (ppm) of sulfate in the well, it’s going to destroy that filter in a day or two, and you’re going to have odor breakthrough.”

水权的团队很少推荐直列式墨盒,因为房主通常需要经常更换, which is costly and time consuming.

2.  Filter capacity and pressure


“如果沉积物开始填满水龙头安装的过滤器, water will become restricted as it tries to flow through the filter,弗里茨解释道。. “最终, this causes issues with water pressure or reduced flow rate and, 反过来, 是否会导致家里其他需要一定量水的电器或固定装置出现问题.”

Fritz explains that all 系统 have a specific service flow rate, which measures how much water can flow through a piece of equipment.

“当你谈论一个直径2英寸高10英寸的小墨盒时, you can’t flow water through quickly and expect it to treat the water. 它只是没有接触时间和吸收污染物的能力,”他说.

A small pitcher will need to be refilled often, and a sink mount could take longer for water to flow out of the faucet.

That’s where the benefits of an R.O. 进来. 系统包括 水权’s 印象 Series® R.O. or Eclipse™R.O. 系统 have a decreased likelihood of sediment build up, keeping flow rates high. 过滤后的水可以装在两加仑的储水箱里供家庭使用.

3.  Frequency of filter changes

In-line carbon filtration options must be changed frequently. A basic pitcher filter should be changed approximately every 40 gallons, a faucet mount is every 100 gallons, and a fridge filter approximately every 6 to 12 months. 冰箱过滤器大约相当于房主更换碳前过滤器和碳后过滤器的频率.O. 系统; except with reverse osmosis, you get better quality water through advanced filtration.

When homeowners forget to swap out carbon filters, the filter can become saturated with contaminants, no longer allowing the water to be cleaned. 最终, 家庭最终饮用的水可能比开始时更糟糕,因为它吸收了饱和过滤器内的污染物.

4.   Aesthetics and space

水 filtration 系统 also come down to space and appearance. 例如, 过滤水罐会在冰箱里占据宝贵的空间, even though it’s hidden away behind closed doors. 一些房主也不喜欢安装在水龙头上的过滤系统,因为它们会破坏设计水龙头的美感.

“When you have a faucet filtration mounted at the end of your faucet, it completely changes to the look of everything,弗里茨解释道。. “This can be very important to homeowners conscious about design.”

以R开头.O. 系统, homeowners can have a separate, sleek faucet installed that monitors the 系统’s performance. 在系统的水龙头底座上有一个内置的触摸式监视器,用来验证水是否被净化.

了解更多关于反渗透饮用水系统的详细信息,以及它们如何在365体育APP下载的环境中工作 R.O. 常见问题的文章.

Discover Your Customized Solution

水 treatment is not a plug-and-play solution. 它需要水处理专业知识来确定您的家庭的最佳选择. 有一个独特的解决方案,为您的家庭,可能还需要与其他水处理选项配对,如软水器,以消除硬度或铁过滤器. 你应该得到优质的水,当地的水处理经销商可以为你指出正确的方向.


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