Some of the most breathtaking scenery in the United States can be found along the Rocky Mountain range and in America’s Southwestern states.

因为它的美丽, 然而, the geological make up in this region can create some water quality challenges that may frustrate and perplex you as a homeowner. To get a 更好的 understanding of what causes those problems and how to solve them, we spoke with 水权 Regional Sales Managers Jeff O’Callaghan and Mark Russell. They train and assist our network of water treatment professionals in the following states:

  • 亚利桑那州
  • 科罗拉多州
  • 爱达荷州
  • 蒙大拿
  • 内华达
  • 新墨西哥
  • 犹他州
  • 怀俄明

Hard water tends to be one of the most common problems in many of the Mountain states.

“Part of the reason is because of the mountains themselves,” Russell explains. “水 dissolves the granite and limestone, and those dissolved minerals create hardness. 硬水罐 使皮肤干燥,它会影响 提高电器用水效率,并且可以 让你的衣服褪色.”

Russell adds that both well water and city water tend to have high hardness in this region. 他说,犹他州和爱达荷州的水特别硬. 水 softeners are designed to remove the calcium and magnesium that cause hard water. 但是,可能有更多的涉及到软化剂不会影响. Other contaminants in the water require special media or additional filtration to make the water right for you. +, 硬度水平可以根据长期的天气趋势而波动, 特别是降雨或缺雨.

“含水层可以波动,”拉塞尔说. “当它们下降时,矿物质含量就会上升. 当它吃饱了,你就没有那么多的矿物质了.”

奥卡拉汉说,在科罗拉多州,硬度绝对是一个问题, but that state also sees a wide range of other water quality concerns. 这就是为什么 水权的独家水晶权(CR) 媒体经常被使用. CR-100 is designed to reduce hardness, 铁, and manganese, while correcting mild acidity.

“科罗拉多州 is interesting because it has just about every type of water there is,奥卡拉汉说. “You’ll find hardness of more than 100 grains in the southern area around Durango, 该州西部铁和锰含量高, and acidic water in the mountains with many low-producing wells from fractured aquifers.”

O’Callaghan adds that 硫化氢 and methane gas are also common problems. 这些污染物会导致 臭的水, which may not pose health risks, but makes water unpleasant for drinking and bathing.

“亚利桑那州 also has many variations in its water,” says O’Callaghan. “但, the difference is more subtle from one region to another with high hardness being the predominant issue.”


罗素说,在山区更北的州, 怀俄明州和蒙大拿州, 面对一些明显的水处理困难.

“怀俄明州是一个矿产丰富的州,”拉塞尔说. “So, it’s not unusual to find arsenic, uranium, or even petroleum byproducts in the water. There are a lot of tar sands throughout the northeast part of 蒙大拿. If you drill a well, you’re almost always going to find the effects of that. It’s not an easy type of water to treat, and it all depends on what it’s combined with.”

O’Callaghan says oil industry contamination is yet another problem in 科罗拉多州, 太, 哪里的湖水被用作水源.

“Some of these surface waters are above maximum contaminant levels because of petroleum pollution,他说.

Russell explains that there’s more than one way to treat problem water found in the Mountain states. Our water treatment experts will present these solutions to homeowners and let them decide on the course of action they find appropriate.

“我曾经在一个客户预算相当紧张的家庭工作, 所以365体育APP下载给了他们一个很好的, 更好的, 最好的场景,他回忆道. “We could try to treat it with the good, but something may need to be added to make it 更好的. If that’s not satisfactory, we can add one more piece of equipment to create the 最好的场景.”

房主注意到水质问题,比如硬度, 硫化氢, 铁, 甚至是pH值,因为这些问题会改变味道, 气味, 或者水的外观. Yet, the more serious contaminants can’t be detected by human senses. 这就是为什么 we constantly remind homeowners with well water to have it tested at least once a year.

“re’s no way to tell if there’s a potentially serious problem with your water by looking at it,罗素说. “You don’t know if there’s bacteria in the water or what the arsenic and nitrate levels are. Anything that’s associated with health is a mystery until you have a water test done.”

“在科罗拉多州, people have to be aware of the lead and uranium levels in well water in the mountainous regions,奥卡拉汉说. “亚利桑那州的砷含量高于建议水平, 氟化, 放射性元素, 硝酸盐通常存在于水源中.”

A 反渗透系统 is often the right solutions for homeowners looking to improve the quality of drinking water and make it safe for their family members to consume. But, since water quality changes over time, homeowners should still have well water tested annually.

Russell advises homeowners to make sure they find a trustworthy local professional who understands water contamination issues in the region and knows the right treatment options. 说到水质, 自己动手安装 可能是一个让你浪费时间和金钱的错误. Once you’ve established a relationship with a local water quality expert, you’ll have someone you can trust with all your home’s water treatment needs.

“ customer service that comes after the sale is just as important as what’s done before equipment is installed,罗素说. “ 水质协会(WQA) has a certification program for water treatment specialists and installers. 在水权, we encourage our dealers to pursue these certifications because we know it gives homeowners confidence they’ve hired someone who knows what they’re doing.”





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